Spells Digest #13
Hey folks! 🥳 Hope your new year has been off to a great start. Welcome to the first issue of 2024, we're so glad to have you here as always!
As for us, we're currently knee deep in the trenches, working on a dedicated website to host all our spells. In the (near) future, each spell will have its own place on the internet, making it easier to browse and share. We're really excited about this and we can't wait to share more with you!

Be honest — you really like the golden ratio. Or maybe Fibonacci is your thing? However you get weird with the lights off and a deadline fast approaching, GuideGuide is the grid tool that supports your life choices. Cameron, the guy that makes GuideGuide is offering for 50% for the first year if you sign up with the promo code "designspells".
You can read this issue online too if you like! Without further ado, here is the latest roundup of the spells we've shared on Twitter/X
If you enjoyed this roundup of design details, feel free to let us know! You can tweet at us, drop us a DM, or reply directly to this email. Suggestions are always welcome as well!
Interested in sponsoring a future issue of the newsletter? Reach out to us at partnerships@designspells.com.
Stay spellbound,
The Design Spells Team