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Spells Digest #22

Hey folks! 👋 A little fun-fact about this issue — all 4 spells were submitted by you, our readers! We're so thankful and encouraged at the sheer number of Design Spells that you have found or built on the web. Your submissions really do help us improve and introduce more variety to our curation. And we do read every single submission, so keep them coming!

We're also pleased to announce that our site is now open for sponsorships! Mobbin has been sponsoring us since our launch in March, and we've been pleasantly surprised at our site traffic and the sponsorship performance. If you're interested in becoming a sponsor, find out more and get in touch here.

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Built for Mars

Built for Mars

If you adore Design Spells, then you’ll also love UX Bites, by Built for Mars. Design Spells is to animations and magical micro-interactions, what UX Bites are to user experience and product psychology. With powerful filters, you can easily filter through hundreds of examples for things like flows, companies, impacts and even cognitive biases. Get ready to binge your next favorite design resource.

You can read this issue online too if you like! Without further ado, here is the latest roundup of the spells we've shared on Twitter/X

If you enjoyed this roundup of design details, feel free to let us know! You can tweet at us, drop us a DM, or reply directly to this email. Suggestions are always welcome as well!

Have a suggestion or want to make a submission? Share them here!

Interested in sponsoring? Find out more and get in touch here!

Stay spellbound,
The Design Spells Team

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